
Happy Birthday to our daughter, Jiewon.
She enriches all the lives in our family from the oldest 96 year old,
to the youngest grand!

I just can't let the characters of Christmas go and why should we!  
As we enter 2020 let's be sure to surround ourselves with godly friends.  Mary was so wise to go be with her cousin Elizabeth when her world turned upside down with this surprise pregnancy.  I love what Elizabeth says to her in the CEV translation.  "The Lord has blessed you because you believed that he will keep his promise."

Some people could have said, "Man, you are in a tough situation. I'd get rid of the baby or move away if I was you."  Elizabeth encouraged her.  Be intentional this year to surround yourselves with encouragers.  People who know the Word and the ways of God!

Recently, we had to move my father in law to a nursing home.  No one wants to have to do that.  My sister in law overheard a neighbor, who came to visit, say to my father in law..."Are you so angry at your children for doing this to you?"  Whew!  I might have smacked her had I been there.

Another came to visit and texted me saying she didn't think they had gotten my father in law up early enough and the room was so dark. Such an unfortunately situation. What she didn't know was he had a bed sore they were treating him for and didn't want him sitting directly on his bottom and his eyes were hurting, so he had requested the room be darkened. He was getting great care.

Each time we leave we pray with him, we thank God for the blessing of opening the doors to get in him this particular nursing home, for how clean and well fed they are keeping him and for the people who are visiting him.  We also pray that God will use us to be a blessing to the staff and other residents and their families.

We are blessed because we, like Mary, believe what God has spoken to us.  He will provide. He will be our peace.

 "I have told you this, so that you might have peace in your hearts because of me. While you are in the world, you will have to suffer. But cheer up! I have defeated the world."
John 16:33CEV

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