Peaceful Sleep

For as long as I can remember, probably back to the days when we had three in diapers at the same time, my husband would pray for a good night's sleep.  As I have gotten older, I've come to realize that some of my most productive times with the Lord are in the middle of the night, so a few months ago after he prayed those words I suggested that maybe God's not always calling us to sleep through the night.

So, now, my probably perturbed man prays, "If it be Your will Lord, could we please get a good night's sleep.  This is coming from a man who goes to be at 8PM and gets up at 3:30AM. I'm not sure what a "good night" is to him.

I think the note above came from a site called Family Life.  God obviously wants us to have a peaceful night's sleep. I'm not sure how long God intends for those z's to endure, but however long it is His purpose is for them to be peaceful.  

Watch, tonight the prayer will be  "Lord, please give us a peaceful night's sleep!"

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