Upward and Culture

January 22  (Posting a day early.)

We had the privilege of attending one of our 7 year old grandson's very first basketball games.
It was the cutest thing ever. I'm still chuckling.
These two opponents looked more like they were dancing on the court than guarding one another.
At one point the little boy on the right squatted down and our grandson followed suit.  Like wherever you go, I will go!
The program is called Upward Basketball and is a ministry which promotes the discovery of Jesus
through sports. Players get lessons in values such as self-control, kindness, caring, persevering,
initiative, individuality, etc. at every practice. During halftime the spectators listen to a devotional.

So, so, refreshing. Turn your eyes upon Jesus!

Later in the day we attended the game of our 8 year old grandson in another league.  While not a Christian league, this program emphasized the teaching of skills and camaraderie and held a very strong parent participation requirement. You choose between clock keeper, book keeper of culture keeper! (Crowd control.) Here is our daughter in action. Fortunately, the parents kept their cool this particular day.
Maybe if things get out of control she can forget which league she's in and start preaching Jesus.

"My friends, be glad, even if you have a lot of trouble.  You know that you learn to endure by having  your faith tested."  James 1:2-3 CEV

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