
Years ago my husband gave me a handmade Mother's Day card and he listed several of my titles...artist, chauffeur, chef, coach, diaper changer, disciplinarian, housekeeper, Jesus fan, lover, referee, seamstress, teacher, waitress, etc. It was a very heartfelt remembrance of all moms do.

A recent Bible study had me reading in John 1, Romans 3, Ephesians 1 and Colossians 1.

After reading these passages I wrote in my notes some names of Jesus...whew they are of a much higher title category than any human could ever behold. He is such a BIG God.

Faith Builder
Heavenly Earth Dweller
The Light
Ultimate Forgiver

While we are not capable of carrying these titles, we are privilege to personally know the One who does.

"So at the name of Jesus everyone will bow down, 
those in heaven,, on earth, and under the earth."
Philippians 2:10

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