Crazy Faith

Years ago, we would have a huge family Christmas party the first Saturday of December.
I won't share too much about it, or you might stop reading Boojoyful.
Let's just say, the last year of the party I made 4,000 miniature muffins to feed the masses.
It took weeks, but they were enjoyed.
I'm still making this recipe today.

Do you remember the story in Luke of the persistent widow? She was on a mission and the judge knew she was not going to give up.
"...this woman is driving me crazy.
I'm going to see that she gets justice, because she is wearing me out with her constant requests!"
Luke 18:5

Mark Batterson wrote, "Bold prayers honor God and God honors bold prayers."

He said in Drawing the Circle "Jesus honored the prostitute who crashed a party at a Pharisee's home to anoint His feet. Jesus honored the tax collector who climbed a tree in his three-piece suit just to get a glimpse of Him.  Jesus honored four friends who cut in line and cut a hole in someone's ceiling to help their friend. And in this parable, Jesus honored the crazy woman who drove a judge crazy because she wouldn't stop knocking.
The common denominator in each of these stories is crazy faith. People took desperate measure to get to God, and God honored them for it. Nothing has changed. God is still honoring spiritual desperadoes who crash parties and climb trees. God is still honoring those who defy protocol with their bold prayers.  God is still honoring those who pray with audacity and tenacity.  And the crazy woman is selected as the gold standard when it comes to praying hard."

AMEN!  I'm a girl who loves a crazy faith!

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