
Four words in my vocabulary, which are obsolete in the vocabulary of the current youngest generation, brought blank stares when they came out of my mouth to my grandchildren during a recent visit.

LOL. You know you are old when your grand kids have no idea what girdles, panty hose and pocketbooks are. To this generation the equivalent would be Spanx, tights and a purse.

The dictionary says something is obsolete when it is "no longer produced or used; or is out of date." Add rotary phones to that list.  I just ordered this pink phone! Now I need one of those 25' LONG coiled cords like we had in the 80's, so I could  sit outside on the back stoop (another word that would stump the grandchildren) and watch the children playing, while I talked on the kitchen phone.

God's Word is never obsolete!

Jesus Christ never changes!  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Hebrews 13:8

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