The Boomerang Blessing

A long awaited photo shoot was a total bust last week.
Baby dumpling just wasn't having it.
The two older boys were amazingly patient.

Mother Teresa said, "Kind words can be short to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."

One of the best loved lines in "The Help" was "You is kind. You is smart. You is important."

The art of bestowing a blessing on our children may have first been introduced to us in the heart wrenching story of Jacob and Esau.  

"'Esau, said to his father? Bless me, even me also, O my father.' 
And Esau lifted up his voice and wept." 
Genesis 27:38

Oh thank You Father that you have more than one blessing to give.

"The blessing of the Lord makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it."
Proverbs 10:22

In Gary Smalley's book, The Blessing, he talks about five key components for communicating unconditional love and acceptance. He challenges us to pray for these opportunities with others.
...we take advantage of every opportunity to give a blessing
...we show affection
...we learn how to use our words to bless
...we assure our those we are blessing that God has prepared a future for them
...we become actively engaged in their lives.

While tucking in one of our grandsons, I was doing in blessing mode when the boomerang blessing occurred. After praying over him he said, 

"If there was such thing as a woman pastor you would be the best."

I"ll take that one to heaven with me.

Now hold on if some of you are already in a twit over the child's statement, just chill. He is biblically sound and loves to absorb God's Word.

1 Timothy 2:12, like it or not says, "I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over man; rather, she is to reman quiet."

Oh, my. Check this one out online and it is the battle of the sexes.
Ladies, there is plenty of ministry, including the teaching of women, children and as a couple, for us to participate in besides preaching from the pulpit and holding authoritative church positions over men. Count it all joy that there is one less job for us to do. God is the real authority over the church anyway.

I know there are some of you who are steaming right now.

Check out a John Piper sermon on the topic.  Yes, I know it is from 1989, but God's Word has not changed, even though our world is trying to change, compromise, or totally eliminate it as a source of influence.
If we are allowing this to trip us up I say, Let's check our hearts and our love for God's inspired Word.

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