
Our beloved QB passing the football with his dad in our yard.
He's so much more than an NFL QB to God!

Realize-"become fully aware of something as a fact, understand clearly."

Our church worship leader and our daughter blessed the Monday women's study by leading us in a song called "I Shall Not Want." The combination of harp and voice brought chill bumps and a definitely decline in blood pressure.
This song comes from Psalm 23...
"The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake."

When I awakened the next morning I whispered to God...."I shall not want today Lord."  Next came the realization, the understanding, of why I can say that...I shall not want because of all that Jesus has done and continues to do for me.  Who could want for more?

In Priscilla Shirer's devotional book called Awaken, the lesson on Day 21 brought about another   realization.  It was a hallelujah moment as God reminded me of a deeper lesson.  Not only does this challenge me personally, but it ignites my prayers for others as we each are on daily assignments from God.

"You are a participant in the plan of God on this planet.  The roles we play, and to which we've been called, are important.  So we fulfill them with all the faith, hard work and commitment that God's Spirit musters in us.  But we must continually remember that these roles don't tell everything about who we are, or about the power plant of spiritual vitality God has placed inside us for being the kind of person who is on heaven's assignment.  All of creation wants to see that women revealed-released,
unveiled, turned loose.  The ordinary tasks that comes along with your roles in this season of life are not merely chores to be endured.  They are opportunities for a disciplined, determined daughter of God to transform them into activities brimming with eternal meaning and purpose."

"Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be."
1 John 3:2

So this is the question that surfaced as I read this.  "How do we define people?"
Take our daughter, Jiewon, for instance.  Off the cuff I might say, she's from South Korea, came here as a 12 year old and was a stellar student becoming high school valedictorian.  She now holds a doctorate in French Literature and is a professor at Covenant college. The Lord saw her through a life threatening battle with anorexia.

Then it hit me. Those descriptions are so shallow, so of this world.  I realized a better description would be: She's a child of God, who loves the Lord with all that's in her. Her servant heart is like none other.  She studies God's Word daily with a passion and a desire for deep understanding and total obedience to His calling. She's ready to walk into tough places, listening for the Lord to direct her path.  That is a much more accurate description of a child of God.

Let's realize God has a purpose and a plan for us on the planet today.
How wonderful it would be if we could all sit around the dinner table tonight and share what each of our days held!

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