
Refreshment-the giving of fresh mental or physical energy.
Refresh- to give new strength or energy.

When King David was on the run from his own son, Absalom, who wanted to kill him and take his throne he was able to pen these words.

"I sleep and wake up refreshed because you, Lord, protect me."  Psalm 3:5

That's HUGE!

Think about the various stages of your life where sleeplessness has been a perpetrator.  College years, motherhood, nursing, planning a wedding, menopause, and then senior life.  Can't say I've experienced the literal "being hunted down" episode. 

Our daughter's husband travels for work, so she single handedly handles the night time duty and interruptions that come with raising three little ones.  She said the other morning she awakened elated as she realized she had slept through an entire night!  Then she entered one child's room to find he'd wet the bunk beds, while another proceeded to throw up. Glad she was refreshed and able to face the day. Sleeping through the night isn't always easy, but boy does it bring about refreshment. 

Plugging into Jesus facilitates refreshment falling over your day?

"Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered."
Proverbs 11:25

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