
We have a son whose family lives right outside of Minneapolis. The first day of the riots he called and said, "We are okay, but Minneapolis is not! Pray this violence stops." A couple nights later our daughter-in-law, who had to go to work as a hospice nurse that day in Minneapolis,  entered their 7 year old son's room to find he had tightly and safely tucked his stuffed animals into bed.  This picture makes me weep, for it says a lot about what our nation's children are carrying in their hearts. Our daughter-in-law said,

"I just have to keep explaining to my children we all need Jesus."

God's already interrupted this Beholding and Becoming series by awakening me in the middle of the night Sunday with the word cover on my heart. I knew immediately what the trigger was. That evening a man in our church small group shared that his 90 year old sister-in-law has beginning Alzheimers. At one point in a conversation with her she said, "I'm so sorry, I'm having a hard time remembering." Her husband said the sweetest thing which exuded this man’s love for his wife...“That’s okay, I’ve got you covered.” Tugged at my heart and reminded me of my precious husband loving me that way for months after the stroke when the right words would not come for me.

My heart flashed to a dear friend sitting beside her son in church Sunday. This  young man is having series surgery this morning and the family had to drive into John Hopkins hospital in a riot filled neighborhood. That mama has that boy covered in so many ways! And God has us covered as well.

"He will spread his wings over you and keep you secure. His faithfulness is like a shield or a city wall." Psalm 91:4

"and while my glory passes by I will put you in a cleft of the rock, and I will cover you with my hand until I have passed by." Exodus 33:22

And oh what a blessing it is to have our sins covered.
(When the prophet Nathan confronted David about his sin with Bathsheba, David wrote...)

"Let me be happy and joyful! You crushed my bones, now let them celebrate.

Turn your eyes from my sin and cover my guilt. Create pure thoughts in me and make me faithful again." Psalm 51:9

“Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered." 
Romans 4:7

We are called to love that way as well.
"Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins." 
1 Peter 4:8  

 The First Beholding and Becoming Entry

Enjoy Anthem Lights version of "All Creatures of Our God and King"

"We believe we are kings and queens of our own dominions, rulers of our own territories, masters over our reputations and possessions. We are so convinced we are in charge that we ultimately worship our busy lives. Don't believe me?  Take a personal inventory: Look at what you spend the most money on, get the most upset about, give the most time to, worry most about, or are most willing to sin to acquire.  Take an honest look at what holds these places in your heart, and you'll discover what you worship. Worship is esteeming a thing or a person more highly than everything else and giving it your utmost attention and adoration." Ruth Chou Simons

Oh, how I needed to read that.  I've poured my life the past two weeks into Camp Shiloh prep and this reveals I tend to worship our grandchildren.  I've spent so much time putting together a summer curriculum that points them to who God is and how much He loves them, that I've lost out on simple worship and worn myself to a frazzle. I've definitely spent way too much money on things for them.
I didn't even listen to the song I posted for you the whole way through, so I'm going back and doing that right now.

"Give to the Lord the glory due his name.
Bow down before the Lord's holy splendor!"
Psalm 29:2 NABRE

A walk with the Lord is a daily discipline and a process of growth. Some days what sprouts and is produced looks more Christlike than others.

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