Just Missed It

The Olympics are upon us. The media focuses on the "golden ones," but in only hundredths of a second the fame of so many gifted athletes falls to the wayside. Sunday in the Women's 100m Butterfly two of our USA swimmers touched the wall with only a finger's difference at times of 55.59 and 55.63.

The "someday" themed commercial that followed only featured Huske, the one who won the gold.

The final second of the men's 100m Breaststroke was hard to fathom as the Italian swimmer touched the wall with a score of 59.03 and the favorite from Great Britain and Nic Fink the 31 year old from America tied at 59.05 to share the silver medal.

Someday, we will all leave this earth and enter into eternity.  God's desire is for us all to walk the streets of gold and there is room for all who believe.  God wants us all to come to repentance, accept Jesus and take the eternal medal platform.

The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. 2 Peter 3:9

The Song

"Oceans" Live in Israel with Hillsong


or with lyrics


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