Tell Me A Bible Story

Feeling alright when you are jumping off the pontoon on a Sunday night!

We have a couple grandsons who prefer to sleep on the floor in our bedroom when they stay at Shiloh. One in particular who likes to have a pallet made and placed right on my side of the bed. Sunday night, after he was nestled onto a cozy blanket he looked up at me and said, "Mama Boo, Will you tell me a Bible story?" Y'all, it doesn't get any better than that.

That morning the sermon was from Mark 12:41-44, the story of the widow's mite. First off, this sweet grandson learned some new vocabulary words. Widow, widower and tithe.

Secondly, the story had me check my heart actions for that day as we reflected on the well known fact that God knows everything we do and he knows the condition of our hearts from which we do those things.  Lesson- the heart of the matter matters to God. 😉

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7

We discussed how there are more ways to give than money.  I shared examples of all the people who volunteer at church on a Sunday morning to make our time of worship and the teaching all ages happen.

Last night both little fellows said, "Let's do the story of creation!"  So, we did.

The Song

"I Surrender"

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