Proverbs 17


Let the good times the shade when it's 100 degrees.

Being at the lake with our grands is definitely a happy place of mine. This particular morning I skipped the trip to the Arcade and stayed home and dove into the Proverbs study I'm working through. Y'all, I was so excited to hear all the Lord was teaching me. God's Word thrills my heart. The wonderful thing about that is we will hear His Word for eternity. It will never get old or boring.

The author of "Proverbs-Everyday Guidance" says that Proverbs 17 reads like the game "Would You Rather."  Definitely doing these with the grands today.

"Would you rather share a meal of bread crust in a loving home or attend a delicious banquet guests?"  (v.1)

"Would you rather receive a word of correction or have someone punch you 100 times?" (v.10)

"Would you rather do life with a foolish friend or shake hands with an angry mama bear?" (v.12)

Relationships are filled with complicated questions.

Proverbs 17 offers these teaching tips. Pursue peace and practice patience.

The prayer for #17 in Praying Proverbs was loaded with wisdom and for me conviction.  I wish I hadn't had to grow old to learn these truths. Prayerfully, I will be diligent to teach them to others.  

A  couple years ago I stopped listening to the news.  It robbed my joy. I asked my husband to let me know when there was something I needed to know about, but even then I prefer to take any turmoil in little bits.  As I read this prayer I realize how influential and destructive our media is.  People regurgitate what they hear and there isn't much uplifting they are repeating.

Here are some nibbles from Praying Proverbs to pray in regards to Proverbs 17. This book, which I think out of print now, lays out God's Word through prayer to penetrate our hearts.

"Keep me from believing and listening to lies.  I determine not to listen to those who are full of revenge.  Remove liars from my life.  Wow, think if our news casters ended their programs praying something like this.

"I choose not to be happy at others' calamity or gloat over their misfortunes. I decide never to make fun of the poor and bring dishonor to You. 

Help me today, Lord, to forgive and forget others' mistakes, sins, and offenses. Never let me talk about these actions and bring a division among my friends. I choose to be a person of common sense and wisdom who is open to receive effective correction. I don't want to be rebellious and invite judgement into my life. Keep me from repaying evil for good so destruction will be kept from my family....

Lord, guide me in Your wisdom. I choose to make it my main pursuit.  Show me how to use my words sparingly, with a calm spirit.  Help me to keep my mouth shut when I'm not knowledgeable about something.  By staying silent, I'll be considered perceptive and wise."

The Song

Chris Tomlin -pray for unity. (7 years ago)

“Together” Chris Tomlin

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