Run the Race

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  2 Timothy 4:7

Being married to a college athlete, mother to two college athletes, an adopted grandmother to an NFL player, mother to an Army son and close friend to way too many cancer patients I really relate to this verse in the physical earthly arena.

It's an Olympic year and my heart always aches for these athletes recognizing the sacrifices they and their families have made to get to this point.

For those of us who love the Lord, we are able to relate to what Paul is saying concerning living with an enduring faith looking forward to the prize that awaits those in Christ.

When our grands are attempting something, learning something new, that doesn't come easily they know I am going to sing, "Never, never, never give up. Just keep on striving, soon you'll be flying, if you never, never, never give up."  Then I add, "Let's pray!"

At our church we are currently going through a series called "Classic Stories, Modern Lessons." One recent sermon was on the life of Elijah. It is recorded in 1 Kings 19:4 that at one point Elijah asked the Lord if he could just die.  If we are honest I think those of us secure in Christ have all been at that point.

Several times in my life I have gone through long seasons of debilitating health battles and more than once, from weariness in the midst of the struggles have asked the Lord to please just take me home. Financial and relational heartache can bring about those sentiments as well.

In the sermon, 4 points on race running were given.

1) To run your race, you ned to keep the end in mind.

2) To run your race, you need to live with commitment.

3) To run your race, you need God's truth and God's family.

4) To run your race, you need faith in the power of God.

Our race running may not be on a public platform like the Olympics, but I can  guarantee you people are watching to see how we run our race.  They are curious if this "God thing" sees us through trials and temptations.

Elijah's prophetic predecessor and miracle worker was Elisha.  The final exchange between these two men in 2 Kings 2:9 Elijah said to Elisha, "Ask what I shall do for you, before I am taken from you." And Elisha said, "Please let there be a double portion of your spirit on me."

In those days the firstborn son received a double portion of the father's inheritance.  I think what Elisha really wanted was the anointing he'd seen in Elijah to be passed on to him so he could continue the work God had called Elijah to do.

Who do we know, someone we are doing life, who exhibits great faith in our Father. The person we can reflect upon and say, I"ll take a double scoop of a faith like that, which sees us through?"

Listen to Senator Tim Scott's opening speech at the Republican National Convention to see a great leader of faith!

And listen to Lee Greenwood sing "God Bless the USA".

God Bless the USA-Lee Greenwood

More Songs

A couple different choices today. Head back in time and listen to Bing sing "Faith of our Fathers"  Or bask in the beauty of Celtic musicians and vocalists performing "How Great the Father's Love."

"Faith of Our Fathers" Bing Crosby

"How Great the Father's Love" Celtic Worship

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