An Angel Encounter


Cousin camo camp is about to begin with 5 of our 7 grandsons attending.  On a very hot Wednesday, I set out in an attempt to find boxes and cardboard rolls/tubes to assist in our cardboard tank building project.  While out back in 96 degree weather at a Dollar General, scavenging for boxes, a man suddenly appeared.  He was rather strangely dressed in a long sleeve shirt, long pants and shiny black wader boots? They looked like patten leather!  He had the most unusual color of blue eyes I have ever seen. He said,  "I said to myself, that women is looking for boxes and I bet the one she wants is at the very bottom."

While I was at first startled, as I was alone out there, the scene became even stranger when he walked on past me into grasses that were four to five feet tall and disappeared down what seemed to be a hill. He was gone as quickly as he had appeared. I grabbed the boxes I had and turned to get into my car.   That is when I realized there was mini van parked over on the edge of the parking lot.  Not in regular spaces, but away from the store. There was a driver inside and then two other guys (ha, I told my husband, they were hoodlums) came out of the store smoking and drinking beers.  

I believe with all my heart, the man I was first startled by and thought to be homeless and approaching me for money, was actually an angel sent to protect me.  I told my husband I wished I had thought to take a picture of him, but I had left my phone in my car while I dug for boxes.

There are angels among us and I thank God for them.

“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them.” Psalm 34:7 

"He will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.”         Psalm 91:11

Ha!  There are hoodlums too and we need to be on the alert for danger for we know our enemy lurks around looking for someone to devour.  My husband said, "I don't think hoodlum is a word that is used anymore, Boo." Well, maybe they were hooligans up to shenanigans.

The song I selected below is very pretty and correct in that angels are sent to guide and protect us, but it shows pictures of people who have done galant, life saving acts and leads you to believe that humans are angels.  This is not Biblically accurate. gives strong Biblical references in this article to support that angels are a separate created beings from humans.

"Angels and humans are decidedly different, though they share some similarities. Angels are not our dearly departed loved ones. They are not people who have died, nor are they glorified humans (Hebrews 12:22–23). Jesus taught that angels do not marry or procreate as humans do (Matthew 22:30). Angels (and not humans) were present when the earth was created, and they shouted joyfully to God (Job 38:4–7). Although angels are special and unique creations of their own, only humans are recipients of God’s redeeming love, as demonstrated through Jesus Christ (John 3:16)."

Watch for the angels among us today!

The Song

“Angels Among Us” Alabama

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