What Are You Growing

A gentleman gave my husband a baggie containing cantaloupe seeds.  This man's cantaloupe are so, so sweet, but the critter issues we have on our property and a broken sprinkler system may be a detriment to a successful harvest at Shiloh.

God provides the sun and sometimes the rain, but my plants never do as well as my friends, because I never take the time to fertilize and buy good potting soil. The effort needed to see plants grow and flourish just isn't in me.  Do you know where I am going with this?

For us to grow spiritually we have to be willing to put in the needed time and effort.  While corporate worship is a commandment and Sunday worship is a boost to our week, it's a minimal amount of care being given to our spiritual growth.

The summer slack off is easy.  I lead a church connect group on Monday mornings, but not in the summer because of summer guests.  For 22 years I led Monday evening women's Bible study throughout the summer, but not this year because I am a bit weary from the pain.  Maybe God is directing me to nurture and grow my own faith this summer. I am embarking on a 31 day study of Proverbs, including learning how to pray Proverbs.

Stay tuned, I will be sprinkling some of my new growth on Boojoyful.blogspot.

The Song

“I Ask the Lord that I Might Grow” T4G Live II (John Newton hymn)


or Kids hip hop

“Grow, Grow, Grow” Jana Alayra


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