Proverbs 8 Give me Wisdom

This little one is looking to her shadow. 

May we look to God and not ourselves for wisdom.

LOL. Both of our infant granddaughters enjoy listening to Michael Buble, so when I went to listen to Contemporary Christian Praise music this AM on Pandora, it was on Michael Buble Radio and took me by surprise.  The song was "The Way You Look Tonight."  Quickly, I clicked to CCR, then thought....hmm what will God see when he looks at me tonight?

Recently my husband and I were out to dinner at a restaurant  where we were seated in a booth in the bar area.  Neither of us could remember the last time we've been to a bar. There was a lot to take in...mostly singles sitting at the bar.  Two young girls came in, they were quickly carded, but passed the test.  My heart ached for all those people alone at the bar.  The bartender was very attentive to them and most seemed to be regulars whom she called by name, as well as knew their drink.  I can see how that could bring a lonely person comfort.

For the first time in my life I feel called to pray for people sitting alone in bars.  Maybe I need to slip into some lake bars and drop some "Prayer lady cards."

Now on to Proverbs 8..

Proverbs 8:13-16 

If you respect the Lordyou will hate evil.
I hate pride and conceit and deceitful lies.
14 I am strong, and I offer sensible advice and sound judgment.
15 By my power kings govern, and rulers make laws that are fair.
16 Every honest leader rules with help from me.

Part of a prayer from John Mason on Proverbs 8

"Create in me a distaste for pride, arrogance, corruption, deceit, evil ideas, and wrong words.  Instead, help me receive the good advice and the common sense of Your wisdom. It is because of wisdom's help that leaders are effective...Thank You, Lord, that Your wisdom has been here from the very beginning...Is there any area of my life where I am refusing Your instruction today, Lord?  I know that I'm blessed when I keep Your ways, so I decide to keep Your ways today and receive Your blessings in my life."  

Whew! Oh, Lordy! Father are you calling me to the bar scene or just to repentance for judgement I may have help towards hanging out in them, drinking too much.

You just said, "Invite them in." Lord, give me wisdom and vision as to what to do.

The Song

"God I Look to  You" Jenn Johnson

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