

Oh, how I miss my Daddy. He was such a generous provider, sweet encourager and loved all of us well. 

Father's Day is this coming Sunday.  Asking some of our grandchildren how they were going to remember their fathers, one said. "Oh wow. I didn't know. I better go to the golf course and hunt for golf balls!"

Then I said, "What are you doing for Grandparents Day?" "I didn't know there was such a thing," he said with a pondering tone.  "Grandparents Day is actually the Sunday after Labor Day," I informed him.  He said, "Why isn't there a kid's day?" There actually is. Although, if you Google it there is some discrepancy.  June 1st or the first Sunday in June.  Hmm. We will have to wait until next year to celebrate that one.

Whether you were blessed with an earthly father you remember with fondness or not, you have a Heavenly Father, who can meet all your needs.

On my PrayerMate app there is a category you can sign up for called "Habits of a Godly Father." There may be a young father in your path with whom you want to share these challenges. I could have used these parenting prompts as a mother.

"Be an encourager, not overly critical.

Parents in general, and fathers, in particular, need to pick their battles. God is gracious not to point out or reveal all of our sins at once.  You are shaping a heart, not fixing a car.

Lord God, help me to be an encourager. When dealing with sinful actions or attitudes, help me to apply your Word to my child's heart and not my 'wrath.  

Be consistent, not changing the rules.

A moving target will leave a child wondering, 'What am I supposed to do?' or 'How can I win?'

Lord God, help me be consistent with my children. Help me be careful of having one set of expectations today, and another tomorrow.

Be fully present, do not ignore or neglect.

Lord, help me to be fully present with and for my children.  Help me cut out everything I can from my schedule, maybe even sacrifice a hobby. Help me include my children. Help me not only provide for my children, but also be present with them.

Give them a vision for what God wants them to be, not too demanding.

Your children aren't adults yet. Fathers who demand to much spiritually, intellectually, academically, athletically, emotionally, or relationally are placing heavy bricks in a child's backpack.

Lord God, forgive me when I am too demanding. Help me to give them a vision for what You want them to be, but be careful of demanding too much where they are now."  Written by Patrick Schwenk

For those of you who were daddy's girls listen to this song.

"I loved her first."


The Song (An oldie)

"Our Father's Eyes" Amy Grant


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