
5th grade graduation in Minnetonka, MN

My husband and I both were in education for years.  He an administrator, who sometimes had the privilege of teaching his favorite course...government!  My role, an elementary teacher early on and later a middle school teacher.

Talk to any educator today and they will say that educational standards in the US have been lowered. Speaking with someone grading AP exams this year, they shared they were told specific areas to lower the standards for students to gain extra points.

If you google what country has the highest standards in education the US pops up highest the majority of the time. The basis of this ranking has to do with universities.
Narrow the search down to undergrad programs and we drop to 9th in one survey I saw.  Having worked with Asian students over the years who have come to America they say we are much less stringent in our teaching standards and time spent on studies than their schools.

Guess what? While our education system is discouraging in more ways than one, it is not of eternal value. What is of eternal value is that God's standards NEVER CHANGE.

"For I the Lord do not change."  Malachi 3:6  

Here is an excellent article on this topic.

The Song

“My God is Still the Same” Sanctus Real

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