Green Pastures and Still Waters


Psalm 23:1-3 CEV

You, Lord, are my shepherd. I will never be in need.
You let me rest in fields of green grass.
You lead me to streams of peaceful water, 
and you refresh my life.

This electronic age has us all "wired/plugged in" much of the time and we don't take the time to rest. When I am not intentional to get alone with the Lord, my relationship with him suffers.  When my relationship begins to disconnect with Him the rest of my life veers off from his plans and purposes for me.  When that happens I am not living my best life...the God version.

We have been incredibly blessed to live on this particular piece of property on Smith Mt Lake for 26 years.  Lake life has certainly changed over those years, but the solitude of the 5 acres at Shiloh has not.  (Well, except for the critters who have gone crazy since COVID. Or it may be all the humans who flocked to the lake at that time that are driving them crazy.)

The top photo is the view out our bedroom window. The next is our screened porch off of that bedroom. It is truly my getaway spot.  The last photo is the view from the porch.

We know our years are numbered here. We've watched friend after friend, and my own parents, give up their lake homes in their mid 70's.  The grandchildren grow older and busier and do not come as often and the upkeep surpasses our abilities to do such work, but for now we will praise the Lord in the beauty of this place and rejoice in all he has done here and enjoy seeing the grandchildren and our children unplug when they are here.  We will take time to REST at some point each day.

The Song (Take 8 minutes for some pure worship.)
"Nothing Else" Cody Carnes and The Belonging Co

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