Proverbs 5-Temptation

Sometimes we feel like we are up a tree with no place to flee from temptation.
Other times temptation feels like a difficult obstacle course hard to maneuver, but with God...

We've been on a major baby sitting binge here at Shiloh. It may take a 4 day recovery, so if I am missing in action don't panic. I hope to return.

Yesterday, I had five grandchildren here on a very hot muggy day. The plan was to get outside early.  We have some very strict rules the children are to abide by here, especially outdoors with 900 feet of waterfront. The older 3 were in the yard while I finished feeding the baby and joined them. I arrived to find one of the rules being broken.  A rule we had just gone over the day before.

Discussing my disappointment with the six year old offender he said, "Mama Boo, the temptation was just too great." It is such a joy to grandparent children who know the Lord, are being trained up in his ways and realize we all have a sin nature.

We discussed the huge problem of trust being broken.  He was precious in his genuine repentance.  Every so often he's say, "Has my trust been restored?"

King Solomon knows temptation is great and in a voice of fatherly advice he starts off Proverbs 5 this way.

"My son, if you listen closely to my wisdom and good sense, you will have sound judgment, and you will always know the right thing to say."

Then he quickly takes the opportunity to handout wisdom related to sexual temptation. While this reading has him addressing men, it is also relevant for women.

Continuting in verses 8-9 ...

"Stay away from a bad woman! Don't even go near the door of her house.
You will lose your self-respect..." says "Once we know where temptation lives, we mark that spot on our mental map and steer clear."

Now that is godly advice.

The study goes on siting other areas of temptation and one is particularly good for an election year.

"Maybe we remove ourselves from political conversations that tempt us to argue in anger.

Maybe we unfollow social media accounts that attempt us to envy someone else's lifestyle.

Maybe we go to bed early to avoid the temptation of overspending online late at night."

I added my temptation to grab something to eat every time I go through the kitchen. Unfortunately, I can't get to the front door without going through the kitchen!  Maybe I need to close my eyes when I walk through.

The Song

“Lord I Need You” Matt Maher

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