The Ultimate Fresh Start

The Peaks of Otter, Virginia in the background.

"The native language of heaven is the laughter of joy."
Terry Lindvall
January 11
In addition to morning devotions, I decided to read Charles Spurgeon's Evening by Evening each night before I retire. Last night's entry was thrilling. It was based on a comment made by Job and is found in Job chapter 19,verse 26, and relates to heaven. NOW here is the ultimate fresh start! wOOt!
In my flesh shall I see God.
Spurgeon so eloquently writes:
"Note the subject of Job's devout anticipation: 'I will see God.' He does not say, 'I will see the saints'-though, doubtless, that will be untold happiness-but, 'I will see God.' It is not, 'I will see the pearly gates, I will behold the walls of jasper; I will gaze upon the crowns of gold, ' but 'I will see God.' This is the sum and substance of heaven' this is the joyful hope of all believers....Christ will be the object of our eternal vision, we will never wish for any joy beyond that of seeing Him...Consider the reality of heaven's bliss; think what heaven will be to you. All earthly brightness fades and darkens as we gaze on it, but here is a brightness that can never dim, a glory that can never fade. I will see God."

So for now, we start fresh each day trusting in the Lord and trudging triumphantly with Him through the earthly trials, which we WILL encounter, but the hope of heaven and the happiness therein hangs ahead of us on the horizon. It is going to be a REALLY good time!

Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. You turn men back to dust, saying, '"Return to dust, O sons of men." Forgive us when we whimper and worry and forget You are on your throne. Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. We are so richly blessed to know You and to be loved by You. Guide our steps while we remain here on earth in Your service and ready our feet for dancing, one day soon, before You our King! In Jesus' Name. Amen
(Psalm 90:1-2, 12, 14)

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