Love-In a Nickname

Brothers-Shink and Raider.

February 7
Do you have a nickname?
I recalled a woman, whom we only knew as Stoney, who was an amazing mentor to my husband and me.  In the twenty years we knew her I never questioned her nickname.  The other day as I was thinking about my gallstones and kidney stones I thought...WAIT!  I bet that is how Stoney got her nick name! She must have been full of stones.

As a youngster, one of our sons loved to look at words backwards and would call people by their backward name. That wasn't an issue for Mom and Pop!  In an older phase of life, as his siblings married their nicknames surfaced by blending the first name of the husband and wife.  I try not to share names and tales too, but when this son married he and his wife's blended nickname became  Braggie!

Our mind goes to such crazy places. I awakened in the middle of the night and thought, "Jesus, because of all you have done for us, my nickname for you is Love."

1 John 4:8 says, "God is love, and anyone who doesn't love others has never known him.

Jesus had some nicknames for his disciples, his close friends.
Simon, was renamed Peter meaning "rock".  Hmm, maybe they called him "Rocky".
James and John were called "the sons of thunder".  Maybe because they could be rather bold.
In Mark 10:35 they are quoted saying, "Teacher, we want you to do whatever we ask."

What do you think Jesus' nickname would be for you?  He is friend to us who sticks closer than a brother. I think the nickname he may reveal to us in heaven while resonate with love and the fact He knows everything about us!

"Nothing is hidden from him." Hebrews 4:13

When I can't sleep I often set my mind upon ABC trivia games.
Sometime the challenge is to bring to mind a scripture starting with each letter of the alphabet.
Another task is to pray for someone whose name begins with each letter.
Here's my newest idea.  Try to think of scriptural nicknames for Jesus.
I found a link for 50 names of Jesus.

1)  Almighty One
2)  Alpha and Omega
3)  Advocate
4)  Author and Perfecter of Our Faith
5)  Authority
6)  Bread of Life
7)  Beloved Son of God
8)  Bridgegroom
9)  Chief Cornerstone
11) Faithful and True
12) Good Shepherd
13) Great High Priest
14) Head of the Church
15) Holy Servant
16) I Am
18) Indescribable Gift
19) Judge
20) King of Kings
21) Lamb of God
22) Light of the World
23) Lion of the Tribe of Judah
24) Lord of All
25) Mediator
26) Messiah
27) Mighty One
28) One Who Sets Free
29) Our Hope
30) Peace
31) Prophet
32) Redeemer
33) Risen Lord
34) Rock
35) Sacrifice for Our Sins
36) Savior
37) Son of Man
38) Son of the Most High
39) Supreme Creator Over All
40) Resurrection and the Life
41)The Door
42) The Way
43) The Word
44) True Vine
45) Truth
46) Victorious One
47) Wonderful Counselor
48) Mighty God
49) Everlasting Father
50) Prince of Peace

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