Enjoy the WOW that's Happening Now

The little one in the middle taught me a great lesson from his Daniel the Tiger video song,
"Enjoy the WOW that's happening now!"


I think I've shared that I've struggled lately to see the positives surrounding Shiloh and zoomed in on the negatives. My husband and I had a precious moment out in a hammock and I looked up and said, "Oh, my look at all the dead limbs!" His reply, "You could have just as easily noticed the beautiful green branches giving us this shade."

Do my conversations with the Lord lean more heavily on the "Please fix this Lord" side or the
"I am amazed at all You have given us" attitude overflowing with praise and unending thanksgiving?

For the next couple days we will have almost our entire herd home.  This rarely happens.  I'm going to enjoy the WOW of watching these grandchildren enjoy Shiloh and one another.

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