Power to Experience Freedom

How amazing is the light shining on our baptismal pool.
This woman's testimony is beautiful!

My husband and I've had a similar conversation to the question posed below, but our's is related to him always praying for a good night's sleep. I seldom sleep all night, so I've learned to pray that if I awaken God will use it for good? Will He take that middle of the night time and make the most of it by speaking to me, teaching me, and directing me if there is someone in need of prayer?  I guess I'm asking Him to have purpose in the disturbance.

There are many people struggling with physical suffering and I always pray for their healing, comfort and relief.  The last sentence in this Bible Study Fellowship challenge is a new prayer for me. Got to nibble on it some more.

 “God used Paul’s suffering to bring spiritual life to those without hope. Will you ask God to help you have His perspective on your suffering? Let us not pray for easier lives, but for greater power to experience freedom in every pressure and trial."

There is so much powerful available to us through the Holy Spirit that we fail to tap into.

"But the Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you power. Then you will tell everyone about me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and everywhere in the world.” Acts 1:8

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