Sent People

This mama may be sending our grandson on a mission!

Our church in embarking on a long study of the book of Acts. The theme of this series is being SENT people.  The first sermon addressed how many of the churches in America are asleep.  For there to be revival in our churches and our nation we need to live like a people who believe the gospel and recognize God calls all of us to be sent people.

He may be sending some of us across the oceans to remote people groups who have not ever heard the gospel. He may be sending us right down the street to the neighbor we've never invited to church or talked to about what Jesus is doing in our lives.  He maybe be sending you across the classroom or to the next office cubical, but He has called all of us to GO and tell.

Why is that scary?  Why is the thought of human rejection more intimidating, than disobedience to God?

God has just called me to something rather uncomfortable. I was to start Wednesday, but I found excuses not to GO.  Pray for me to be obedient and to remember it's in the power of the Holy Spirit I go, not my own courage and strength.  If God calls us to it, He will see us through it.

"He said, 'But I will be with you, and this shall be the sign for you, that I have sent you.'" 
Exodus 3:12

"Jesus said to them again, 'Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.'"
John 20:21

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