A Mary Moment

Glimpses of some of our girls gathered together recently.

Maybe it's because I carried six babies in my womb that I am easily drawn into Mary's story and all that she endured. Joseph was amazing and the wisemen traveled far, but Mary gave her all. Her health, her reputation, her comforts of home and family, her future. Her earthly life and eternal life were forever changed.

In Luke 2 we read the reality..."the time came...Mary gave birth...an angel appeared and said 'Do not be afraid.'"

In John we read....The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. — John 1:14

If we do nothing else today just absorb that verse. Ask yourself "Why would God do that?" 

Max Lucado is a fabulous story teller. If you have never done his study Because of Bethlehem I encourage you to get the book.  At least sign up on faithgateway.com and listen to the 4 video clips related to this study. They are probably on YouTube as well.  He has produced a Christmas special by the same title which is showing in theaters December 5, 6, 7 at 7PM.

Copy and past this link for movie information.

I am probably going to be late for church (writing this on Sunday), but I can't stop considering these points that Faithgateway makes about this book...

"Max described the Christmas story as one that actually has particular relevance for those who find themselves in a season of sadness, lost hope, or disappointment. We see this especially in Mary’s experience. Although she eagerly anticipated the arrival of her child, nothing leading up to the birth of Jesus would have met Mary’s hopes and expectations. She hoped for a joyous celebration with family, but her unwelcome reality was a scandalous pregnancy, an imposed census, an untimely trip, and lowly accommodations with sheep and cattle.

Because God became human, we can see and know God in the person of Jesus. We can also rely on the fact that God knows us. He understands how we feel because He has faced what we face, including weakness, testing, and suffering."

Mary was an overcomer. She trusted God and he saw her through the toughest of times.

God calls us to gather and do life together. Today my women's small group is hosting a tea for 12 widows in our church.  Christmas will look very differently for them this year, because they are missing the men with whom they have done life for a long, long time. What for most is a season of rejoicing, for those missing a loved one, it can be quite difficult. Ask God to open our eyes to whom we need to welcome in to our Christmas.

Be an influencer!  Wherever you gather in festive merriment, be certain the name of Jesus is spoken. 

The Song

“Just a Girl” Brandon Heath


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