The Chickens Aren't Laying

Before the Thanksgiving crowd started arriving I texted our "farm egg" contact and asked if I could come by and get three dozen.  His reply, "The chickens aren't laying." My inquisitive reply, "Is that a thing?"

He explained that when the days get shorter and the weather cooler the hens stop laying.  Who knew?  He said, "Commercial egg companies use artificial lights to keep their birds laying, but laying an egg is exhausting and year round laying cuts the life expectancy of the chicken, so we opt to give them a rest."

Trees rest, bears, groundhogs (of which we have a big one), ground squirrels, hedgehogs, bats, salamanders, frogs, turtles, ladybugs and snails all hibernate.

We are part of a culture that prizes productivity and rarely welcome the invitation to rest during the winter months. I will say we go to bed a lot earlier in the winter months and I pray for snowstorms to get us stranded so my husband doesn't have to go in to work.

A couple years ago I read, The Rest of God by Mark Buchanan  “Restoring You Soul by Restoring Sabbath” It was a good read.

Come to Me all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest. 

Matthew 11:28

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

Let the Spirit change your way of thinking. Ephesians 4:23

Yesterday. my beloved small group ladies helped entertained a group of widows from our church.  The Lord ordered the day that the tea began with us all sitting still listening to my daughter play her harp. By the time she finished playing the song "Breath of Heaven" almost every woman was in tears.  We had lots to eat, gifts to be given out, and an opportunity to share from our hearts, but the best time was resting and allowing harp music to sooth our souls.

I will say, I am praying for a safe, healthy winter for those chickens as I am looking forward to spring and those eggs again.

The Song

"Be Still My Soul" Kari Jobe

Breath of Heaven to come on another post!

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