Cozy Connection

November 19
It's freezing, no it is below freezing.
I woke up thankful for my down comforter
and wireless Internet that allows me to
email right from my cozy bed! No sooner
was I feeling great about the set up than
Moses whined needing to go out, so out of
bed I went, onto the cold tile kitchen
floor to open the door to a brisk wind
waiting in the darkness. The light of our
lamppost was shining brightly against the
stark black background of our woods. Even
though my cozy solitude had been abruptly
interrupted the light was a reminded that
even when we are taken from our comfort
zones, the Light of the World is still there.
I looked up and the sky was laden with stars.
The disruption had turned to delight because
I was able to make a connection with God.
Moses ran back into the house and went
directly to his food bowl...ah, another
message for be hungry to feed
upon the Lord. Climbing back under my
comforter to click on my computer I was
thankful for the Cozy Connection I have
with Christ!

Let's Pray: Lord, we praise You for you
steady constantness! The world around us
changes, throwing us curve ball after curve
ball, but we are always safe with you, never
left out! Father, just from the emails we
receive from friends or turning on the news
we could become discouraged, but we choose to
look up and see the stars You have hung in the
sky and think of the hope of heaven beyond and
the fact that You are watching over us and will
never leave or forsake us. We love You Lord!
In Jesus' Name we find comfort. Amen

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