A Wealth of Wisdom

November 8-9
James asks us...Who is wise and understanding
among you? Let him show it by his good life,
by deeds done in humility that comes from
wisdom....Where you have envy and selfish
ambition, there you find disorder and every
evil practice....the wisdom that comes from
heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving,
considerate, submissive, full of mercy and
good fruit, impartial and sincere.

With all the hats I wear, a day rarely goes
by that I don't need wisdom. The problem
arises when I don't take time to seek it from t
he correct source. Yesterday was a non-stop
day for me. When I finally hit the bed I was
saddened when I realized I hadn't been
alone with the Lord all day. I had flashed up
some prayers on behalf of others, but I had
never waited to hear God's take on any
situation. My eyes had not searched through
the Word to find a treasure beyond the
morning devotional reading with its warnings
about the tongue. My mind was checking off
worldly requirements from my list and when
the day was done, I missed Jesus.

The wonderful list above of what comes from
heavenly wisdom is what I want filling my day.
Wherever we are today, may we each head off
alone for a spell to get a hold of that peace!

A commentary from a site called Bible Tools
reads: If a person is of a pure spirit, then peace
tends to follow. First, this occurs because a
pure-hearted person is at peace within himself.
He is therefore not self-righteously, self-centeredly,
and discontentedly seeking to impose his will and
way on others to control their lives.
Such a person will not induce conflict.

Let's Pray: Lord, you are a wealth of wisdom!
A freebie, we often forget to take advantage of.
Forgive us for the times we trust in man and get
ourselves in messes! Even our own hearts can
lead us astray. It's mind boggling that you know
us better than we know ourselves. Fill us with
your wisdom...we will need it in the days
approaching. May we clothe ourselves in
purity, peace-lovingness, considerateness,
submissiveness, being merciful and bearing
much fruit, and be seen as impartial and
sincere children of the King! In Jesus Name, Amen

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