The Chained Bible

September 24
Cleaning off some bookshelves, I came across a book which had belonged to my grandmother.  The copyright, 1886!  The title, The Chained Bible and Other Stories. Subtitle: "Sunday Readings for the Little Ones."  Within very short, one page stories, the content of this book taps into topics such as Christian persecution, false gods, Buddism, sacrifices for the faith, illness, respect, and more.

Today I want to share the story of "The Chained Bible."
"Edward VI was the youngest king that ever reigned in England.  When he was made king he was only nine years old.  The Duke of Somerset was therefore appointed his guardian until he became old enough to govern the nation himself.  You perhaps remember, however, that he died a few years after, before he had completed his sixteenth year.  Edward was very fond of studying and reading, but I believe he loved his Bible almost more than any other book.  I have no doubt, as he was king, he would have a BIble of his own, which you might be inclined to say was nothing very remarkable; but I assure you few little boys and girls, at that time, could boast of possessing a Bible of their own, as most children in our day can.
Bibles were then so rare that those used in churches were fastened to the stand where they rested with a strong chain, to prevent their being stolen.  The children who are living now cannot be too thankful that they have not only the Bible, but many other good books also, to help to make them wise and good choices, and that no weak, wicked person has the right or the power to forbid their use."

May we add to our daily prayers that the use of scripture always be allowed in our lives and may our Bibles be allowed to be toted wherever we would like to take them!

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