The Breakfast of Champions

How will we face today?
Ho Hum, just another day Pooh Bear
Praise the Lord! Let's get today going!
February 20
Do not be foolish. Understand what the Lord wants you to do.
Do not get drunk with wine. That leads to wild living. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Tell of your joy to each other by singing the Songs of David and church songs. 
Sing in your heart to the Lord.
Ephesians 5:17-19

Sometimes I just crack up laughing at the thoughts which come to my mind.  Monday morning was off to a rough start. My husband was out the door with his usual, before dawn departure, and I was awakened by our driveway sensor sounding the warning that someone was approaching Shiloh.  Staggering out of bed, I stepped in dog poop (we knew Moses had an upset tummy and he must have slipped out of the bedroom in the middle of the night to relieve himself).  Hopping on one clean foot, to the sink, I noticed an unmarked moving truck parked in our upper driveway.   Grabbing the phone I dialed my husband's number.  There was no sight of anyone coming to the door.
Eventually, the truck pulled away moving up the driveway and it backed into my neighbor's drive.  Relief set in...then I thought, wait...I should call and check on my neighbor.  The truck belong to workman, who were remodeling at her house and they had pulled into our drive to call for direction to the specific house on Moonriver Lane.
Deciding to get on with my day, I began to wonder what would make a good breakfast.  Then I laughed as my mind said, "You need the breakfast for champions after your start this morning."

What I needed was to fill up on the Holy Spirit. Not once in those moments of panic had I stopped to pray or praise. Over the weekend, I had just read this Lloyd John Ogilvie quote:

"If we praise God in blessings, the Spirit heightens our joy.  
If we praise God in difficulties, we acknowledge that he can work in all things!"

Praise, prayer and scriptural meditation are the best way to start a day!

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