A Balanced Wheel

My husband and his name sake. These two balance the wheel of life!

July 21
A young pastor sat at our kitchen table one evening and we shared our amazement for how many churches hold sincere grudges against evangelicals.  Aren't we commanded to go and make disciples?
I may have mentioned before a group I participate in called Renovare.  Renovare is Latin meaning "to renew."  The three purposes of this group are: First to lead a spiritually balanced life.  Second, to be knowledgable as to what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.  The third purpose is to be part of a group which mutually encourages one another and hold the other members to an accountability.

In order to be spiritually balanced, you practice one of the spiritual disciplines a week.  For example, maybe there is a  church which is strong evangelically, but seldom steps outside its doors and addresses social justice.
Here are the six spokes to a spiritually healthy wheel!  Consider each of these and ask the Spirit to reveal your strengths and where you need to grow.  
Contemplative- Spending time with God in prayer and meditation.
Holiness-Having pure thoughts, words, and actions and overcoming temptation.
Charismatic-Welcoming the Holy Spirit while nurturing and exercising my spiritual gifts.
Social Justice- Helping others less fortunate than I
Evangelical Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and reading the Scriptures.
Incarnational- Unifying the sacred secular areas of my life while showing forth God's presence.

For more information about Renovare and starting a group where you live, you can write to:
8 Inverness Drive East, Suite 102
Englewood, CO 80112-5624

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