Beholding and Becoming #12

Oh taste and see that the Lord is good!  Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!  

Psalm 34:8

#12 Beholding and Becoming God's Goodness at the Table.

"So much of Jesus' ministry was done at the table."

There are times I think, why did God make us to need food?  We'd have much more free time without grocery shopping, meal prep, clean up, and then exercising to keep weight off.  But so much good  happens around the table.  I'm in a church connect group called "Sisters of the Round Table". We don't eat a thing, but we meet once a week seated at a round table for prayer and Bible study.

Who is God calling you to welcome into your home; your yard, on your boat here where I live, or into your life in some fashion?

When is the last time you opened your door, maybe just your car door, to another and said "sit a spell" like on the "Beverly Hillbillies".

Who is the last person that made you feel welcome?

Simons challenges in this chapter are:

"Serve store bought donuts.

Open your door and meet your neighbor.

Spontaneously make room for guests.

Invite a guest without putting away the laundry!"

Those are awesome! Those challenges say, "Come into my REAL life! I want you here even in the mess."

The Song

"Hospitality Song" Cute kids' song

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