Beholding an Becoming #10 Jesus in Our Words

Our surfer girl granddaughter and her sweet mama had the privilege of attending a mother/daughter conference sponsored by Bethany Hamilton!  Bethany lost an arm to a shark attack as a teenager. 

My sister and her husband are visiting from Florida and when I told my brother in law where the linen closet was to find towels, I warned him.."It's jam packed."  I've yet to go from the summer Hotel Shiloh mode, where there can be 7-20 here at any given time, to the fall slow down.

The closest needs a good shaking out to organize extra linens, pillows, sun screen, bug spray, every age of Tylenol and a multitude of band-aids spread across the shelves. I need a day to dedicate to dumping it out and only put in what is needed. As I thought about that I thought about my heart. It has a lot of unnecessary junk in there as well.

Ruth Simons has captured my attention once again in chapter #10 "Jesus in Our Words".

"Idle words reveal our idols because the words that come out of us betray what we worship in silence.  We either believe that God's Word is true, His plan is good, and His ways are trustworthy, or we believe that we ourselves speak the truest words.  The power of words wielded by one who things he or she knows better than God will alway leave others wounded."

 The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. 
Luke 6:45

I love how Ruth took us to a positive question reflecting on someone’s words that gave us life.

We could come up with a quick recall of the hurtful words that have left us wounded, but it takes more time to remember the life giving ones.
They are there but not as easy to pull up, but when we do what a soothing balm it is.

The Song

"Speak" by Trent and Siobhan


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