Saturday's Song- "I'm so Blessed"


Happy Saturday to my SML GRITS sisters.

Some of us enjoyed lunch on the Market in Roanoke recently.

I'm so blessed to have you as friends to grow old with here at Smith Mt Lake.

As we get older the holidays bring with them a longing for those who are no longer here. It's easy to get melancholy this time of year and for those who battle depression the holidays can heighten anxiety. Let's stop today and pray for people to be thankful for what "was" but elated by what "is" right now. Pray we can all see the people God has placed around us as blessings and remember He is always up to good.

The Song

White Christmas Counting Your Blessings (If you want a melancholy version)

"I'm so Blessed" by Cain  (A little more upbeat version about being blessed)

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