Marriage Matters #7


February Heart Quote

"Prayer is crucial in evangelism: Only God can change the human heart of someone who is in rebellion against Him.  No matter how logical our arguments or how fervent our appeals, our words will accomplish nothing unless God's Spirit prepares the way." Billy Graham

Prayer is also crucial for marraige to flourish. There are several things I would change in how I have carried out my wifely role, but a biggie is I regret using my husband as a dumping group expecting him to have a solution to everything from that would come across my day. If there were hurts by girlfriends or family members, frustrations with the children or the schools they attended, car or house issues, wants and desires, I would just pick up the phone and call him first.  Never did I think he was enduring his own boatload of issues at work. 

I've learned that if I call upon my heavenly Father first he can lead me to resolutions without ever burdening my husband.  There is a quirky way has he taught me this.  When I have an issue be it a stuck jar lid, a computer glitch, finding a program on over  200 cable channels when I finally get frustrated and my husband is h0me, I call out to him with the assumption he can fix anything. 90% of the time when I do that the solution presents itself before he gets to where I am.  It makes me actually chuckle and I often say, "All I need to do is call you and the problem is resolved."  That led me to think...all I need to do is pray about it and ask God to help me and give my man a break, because chances are he is dealing with bigger, more complicated problems of his own.

The Verse

1 Peter 5:7 AMP

Casting all your cares, all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all on Him,  for He cares about you with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully. 

The Song

“Never Once” Matt Redman

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