

It's 4:30 AM. Out our bedroom window not a star can be seen in the sky due to cloud coverage. However, across the water, up on a hill, a loan lamp post glows in the darkness, resembling the Bethlehem Star. It's reflection can be seen upon the water.

There is a hymn with the lyric "In these quiet moments, Jesus speak to me. Fill my heart with Thy love divine, Your power let me see." Sometimes I go to our piano and play that over and over.

In the quiet, dark moment of this particular night the Lord was bringing to mind all the things I have saved up, mostly for a rainy day, an unexpected guest or our beloved grandchildren.  For our minimalist family members, I am a nightmare.

My husband and I are children of World War II veterans. Children of the depression, who knew what it meant to go without. My paternal grandmother taught me how to sew, keep a stash of fabric, thread and needles onhand and of course, you had to be a member of the clean plate club, giving thanks for each meal.

Skeins of yarn, yards of fabric, spools of thread, and craft supplies to make gifts for 20 more Christmases laden drawers and closet shelves here at Shiloh.  Books and Highlight Magazines will most likely all be tossed when I am gone, but in the meantime, if the grid goes down Shiloh will have an excellent lending library.  I did chuckle the other day when I opened a drawer containing party napkins and desinger paper plates. A few parties need to be thrown, while I am still able, to use up those items.

Knowing Jesus as I do, I knew there was more than a prompting to clean out some drawers in this middle of the night encounter.  It was the word saved. Typing that into Biblegateway 137 verses related to salvation popped up and what a beautiful reminder of how deeply we are loved was laid out.  Below are just a few verses I will share. If God places someone on your heart, who doesn't know of this gift, pray for them right now....or pull out your pretty paper plates and have them over to share a meal.

You were saved by faith in God, who treats us much better than we deserve. This is God's gift to you, and not anything you have done on your own. It isn't something you have earned, so there is nothing you can brag about.  Ephesians 2:8-9

God wants everyone to be saved and to know the whole truth, There is only one God, and Christ Jesus is the only one who can bring us to God. Jesus was truly human, and he gave himself to rescue all of us.  1 Timothy 2:4-5

I asked the Lord for help, and he saved me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4

I was a nobody, but I prayed, and the Lord saved me from all my troubles. 

Psalm 34:6

I will celebrate and be joyful because you, Lord, have saved me. Psalm 35:9

Make me as happy as you did when you saved me; make me want to obey! 

Psalm 51:12

Sing and praise his name. Day after day announce, “The Lord has saved us!”

Psalm 96:2

The Song

"In This Quiet Moment"

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