
Showing posts from October, 2024

Moving Mountains Chapter 11

From Chapter 11 in   Moving Mountains by John Eldredge  "Pressure nearly always guarantees you will have a hard time discerning what God is saying, if you hear anything at all. Pressure clenches up your heart and soul and ties all your insides in rubber band knots.   Daniel appears to understand this. His first move is to buy himself some time to go and pray about it." It was a double whammy week for me with the Lord using two sources to take me to the book of Daniel to remember two different lessons. In Moving Mountains the lesson related to needing wisdom/guidance from the Lord. In Daniel chapter 2, Daniel is in a tough spot as King Nebuchadnezzar wants a dream interpreted and has told his regular staff of "wise men" since they can't do it they will be killed.  Ugh, no pressure guys. Well, there was no pressure for Daniel, because he knew the source of all wisdom and dream interpretation.  There are a couple really wise things Daniel does, before just jumping

Jesus Calling

Such a joy to have this one living close by to do ministry with us. It was early Sunday morning. My husband had been up for hours, his crazy routine. A warm little snuggle buddy who had been spending the night had crawled in our bed next to me.  When my husband came in the room at 7AM to say he was heading to open up church we said, "Don't leave us! Don't leave us!"  He sweet reply was "Jesus is Calling." What can you say to that?  We all need to have the discipline to echo that priority more often. Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 The Song “How Far” Tasha Layton

A Praying Woman

I was given my first cowboy boots on my 50th birthday.  Here's a Saturday Song. Put on your cowboy boots first and sing along. The lyrics are below. The Song "A Praying Woman" Anne Wilson and Lainy Wilson Before that rooster's crowin', she's kitchen table sittin' Underlining the gospel and black coffee sippin' When that sun gets to sinkin', the whole house is restin' And she's thanking God for those fast asleep blessings Might look like she ain't doin' much  But she's movin' mountains because That's the power, the power  Of two folded hands, bowed head, bended knees When she whispers, "Dear Jesus" heaven can hear it And that devil gets back to hell runnin' That's the power The power of the prayin' woman (amen) Oh, a prayin' woman (amen) She puts on a T-shirt, red lipstick, blue jeans But she's wearin' armor that nobody sees Every word she sent

Hold On to Jesus

These two old hands have held onto each other for a long, long time. I love it when our oldest son visits from Utah and holds onto me. The past t wo weeks have been very emotional. I shared about the friend's son who was shot and died in his mother's arms and then someone at church shared this video about this family from their son in law's, grandfather's church in NC. We can hold onto Jesus come what may. Let's ask ourselves...Would I glorify God like this after such a horrific, unimaginable event? And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.  Philippians 1:6 The Song "Hold Onto Jesus" Erin O'Donnell

Pregame Pep Talk Week 5-Comrades

The three generations of football players and supportive wives, moms and grandmother. See our younger grandson high fiving the players as they come out of the locker room after half time. While the commitment was to text a prayer before each of our grandson's football games, it has turned into what the grands call a "Mama Boo Podcast"🤣 I emailed this one early this morning, then apologized saying I'd text a short prayer. The word came clearly last week after the game...Comrades. “The difference between a friend, and a comrade: the a friend is somebody who care about you in general, somebody who cares about your well being, your emotions, your feelings. But when somebody comes to you, as a comrade, or as a soldier, or ally, that relationship is under the context of war.” Being part of a football team is like going to war together.   Everyone has an agreed upon goal/game plan.   If it was just the QB or running back out there against another team, he wouldn’t have a ch

What Do You See

My husband and I are behind a year or two on our annual eye appointments. Sitting in a football stadium one evening I told my husband, "I think the big lights are blurring my vision."  A couple nights later he walked into our living room and says, "I think I can see better without my glasses."  The other possibility is that both pairs of glasses are in need of a good cleaning. I grapple in the dark for my glasses on my bedside table each morning. With the same urgency, I should ask the Lord to adjust my spiritual focus and the focus of those I love for all we will face that day.   O Lord, when our eyes open in the morning may our first thoughts be of you and the first thing we see be your creation and something from your Word, for that will influence the ways in which we walk.  Please  open the eyes of our hearts and help us to want to see all of life's decisions, trials and celebrations from your perspective and react with a confidence that You will guide us th

Moving Mountains Chapters 9-10

  A friend took this photo on a beautiful sky blue day as 27 of us gathered to worship the Lord and settle into listening prayer as our daughter played the harp.  It looks like I'm sleeping, but I'm listening. Chapter 9 from Moving Mountains  is title "Daily Prayer."  I want to list some one liners I high lighted.  If you agree with these prayers there has to be joy in your life. "Lord God, almighty and everlasting Father, you have brought us in safety to this new day. Preserve us with your mighty power, that we may not fall into sin, nor be overcome by adversity... I choose not to love the world, and I crucify the flesh and all its passions.... I declare my dependence upon You...I refuse to be discouraged...I cover myself with  your blood-my spirit, soul, and body, my heart, mind and will... I renounce all other gods, every idol, and I give to you, God, the place in my heart and in my life that you truly deserve. This is all about You, and not about me.  You are

I Just Want You

Run to Jesus!  Our red headed grandson running cross country! Each morning when I awaken it is my intent to greet the Lord, praise his name and worship him first thing. Before I get very far into that time with Him, my brain heads off to..."What day is it, where am I supposed to be and are there any other people sleeping in our house who need breakfast or a fresh diaper this morning?" O God, You are my God; early will I seek You; my soul thirsts for You, my flesh faints for You, in a dry and thirsty land with no water. Psalm 63:1 Can you agree with these lyrics from today's song.. Jesus... I just want You take me back I'm caught up in Your Presence I’m not here for blessings, Jesus you don’t owe me anything  I just want to sit here at your feet. The Song "Nothing Else and the Heart of Worship" Kari Jobe

Consecrate Your Home

  My husband's grandfather and his great uncle built these two homes on their family farm in 1924. They are no longer in existence. The white farmhouse in the background was the first home on the property & was where my husband lived when he was born. Our hearts are breaking here in the south for so many who have lost so much due to Hurricane Helene. Sunday afternoon we huddled in our basement  as a tornado warning blared on our phones. W ell, truth be told my husband went out the door to look for a tornado, as our houseguests and I went to the basement. These physical storms are full of destruction, but there are equally as damaging spiritual storms that can destroy our homes, our families and our relationships.  In the Moving Mountains  book I have been referencing John Eldredge has written a "Prayer of Consecration for a Home." Prayer of Consecration for a Home   By John Eldredge “Father, thank you for the blessing and the provision of this home.   We bring it unde

Sitting in the Psalms

A sea of yellow at the top of our driveway. Sitting in the Psalms is a glimpse of real life. The ups, the downs, the all arounds are possible to manuever because God is with us.  As I've been studying "Crying Out to God," I've come to realize I, like David, do that a lot.  When discussing "crying out" with friends the other day, one woman shared how in the weeks before her mother's death she would hear her mother saying in a quiet voice as breathing became more and more difficult, "Help me Jesus." As I walked towards the awaiting arms of a neighbor sobbing standing at her front door waiting for my husband and I to get to her house, I cried out, "Help me Jesus. This is so hard."  This woman's 19 year old grandson had been shot 10 times and died in his driveway in his mother's arms.  My head is shaking in disbelief at that level of devastation even now as I type. David's words echo the reality of crying out to God. I cried o


September can still provide some warm dock days. I've shared before that ever since COVID chaos I've been done with the news. There is a need for great discernment when listening to others.  My husband listens to it all from different perspectives to be aware, so I've said, "Tell me what I need to know in accordance with God's Truth." The other night he was speaking to me on the abortion issues and sharing the viewpoints of various politicians platforms. After only a few comments I said, "Please stop. This hurts my heart too much to discuss." Last month I was in a discussion with a high school teacher who was attempting to expand my understanding of why we should address people with the proper gender pronouns.  I heard his heart, but said, "I am just too old to deal with this." What I do want to deal with is God's Word and his Truth.  My heart longs to stand on the moral absolutes found in God's Word. These make sense to me and I am

No Other King

Our church is currently in a pre-election series called "Politics and the Church." It is powerful. You can follow on YouTube.  Here is the link to week 2 and the song I'm referencing below can be heard by our worship team a 1:05 One of worship songs we sang really put in perspective our need to focus on the ultimate King of kings. Listen to these lyrics. Think about what Jesus did for us and look to Him for the answers according to His Word on how we should vote. Commit to pray that whomever God allows into office will fall humbly before God and cry out for revival in our land, calling for everyone to turn to the Lord. No other King would kneel to wash my feet Prepare a table for His enemies Lay down His glory for the least of these No other King would touch a leper's skin Open His arms to let the outcast in Respond with mercy in the face of sin Jesus, no one is like You  Jesus, no one beside You  Of this I am convinced No