Moving Mountains Chapter 11

From Chapter 11 in  Moving Mountains by John Eldredge 

"Pressure nearly always guarantees you will have a hard time discerning what God is saying, if you hear anything at all. Pressure clenches up your heart and soul and ties all your insides in rubber band knots.  Daniel appears to understand this. His first move is to buy himself some time to go and pray about it."

It was a double whammy week for me with the Lord using two sources to take me to the book of Daniel to remember two different lessons. In Moving Mountains the lesson related to needing wisdom/guidance from the Lord.

In Daniel chapter 2, Daniel is in a tough spot as King Nebuchadnezzar wants a dream interpreted and has told his regular staff of "wise men" since they can't do it they will be killed.  Ugh, no pressure guys.

Well, there was no pressure for Daniel, because he knew the source of all wisdom and dream interpretation.  There are a couple really wise things Daniel does, before just jumping into dream interpretation. He asked the king for an appointed time to come back (v. 16) and then he goes to his three friends who love the Lord, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, and asks them to seek mercy from the God of heaven concerning this mystery (v.17)

Daniel says in 2:20-23

Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might. He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding; he reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him. To you, O God of my fathers, I give thanks and praise, for you have given me wisdom and might, and have now made known to me what we asked of you, for you have made known to us the king's matter.

We could just stop there and unpack the outline Daniel gives us here for prayer. Look at Who Daniel blesses, what he knows God does and the thanks Daniel gives to God. 

Eldredge says, "The key to receiving answers to prayers for guidance is to let go of our constant attempt to figure things out….We must surrender our agendas. We must surrender our “best thoughts” on the matter.  We must surrender our secret desires…"

But when the Spirit of Truth comes he will guide you into all truth. John 16:13

Eldredge continues going against our human nature with this reminder to reduce the pressure around us and be open to whatever it may be that God has to say to you…Don’t fill in the blanks…Far better to live with the uncertainty for a while than to be your own is the Holy Spirit who is given as our counselor."

Well, I blew that one this morning. I was filling in some blanks setting my own panic thoughts into motion before praying. 

I'd overslept and awakened at 7:37. Whenever I awakened I call out "You in there?" to my husband whose office and bathroom are off our bedroom. Today, when there was no answer I ran to see if his truck was gone. I never like him to leave without a kiss good-bye. Seeing the truck, while still in my nightgown, I ran out of the house in hopes of catching him, but he was not in the truck. I called to him but no answer. 

My mind went into panic mode and I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. I knew something must have happened to him. I headed to his shower. He was not there. Then I noticed his keys, credit card and driver's license were on his dresser and even the shoes he wears each day were still here.

My mind thinks "He's hurt out in the woods somewhere", as he works out in the property every day in  the DARK.  At this point I cried to Jesus, "Lord, help him. Show me what to do."

Heading to a window that looks out the opposite side of the property, way down near the water I see him trudging along on the tractor. "Thank You, Jesus," but in an instance the enemy has my mind again. Now I think, "Oh my, he's lost his mind and forgotten to go to work."  Before I can get some shoes on to head out again he comes running in the house. As I am telling him what I've just gone through he says, "You keep talking, I have to get in the shower so I'm not late to work."  

Lawsie, lawsie. Forgive me Lord for the panic. May my first act of defense when the devil starts my mind a running should be to pray.

Right after writing I turned on music. Listen to these opening lyrics of the song that was playing. Can't tell me God doesn't know more than AI.

"I'm paralyzed by what I don't know. Doubt holds me hostage and won't let go. Breathe out, breathe in, raise my hands and remember."

The Song 

"To Not Worship You" Mercy Me

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