Pregame Pep Talk Week 5-Comrades

The three generations of football players and supportive wives, moms and grandmother.
See our younger grandson high fiving the players as they come out of the locker room after half time.

While the commitment was to text a prayer before each of our grandson's football games, it has turned into what the grands call a "Mama Boo Podcast"🤣 I emailed this one early this morning, then apologized saying I'd text a short prayer.

The word came clearly last week after the game...Comrades.

“The difference between a friend, and a comrade: the a friend is somebody who care about you in general, somebody who cares about your well being, your emotions, your feelings. But when somebody comes to you, as a comrade, or as a soldier, or ally, that relationship is under the context of war.”

Being part of a football team is like going to war together.  Everyone has an agreed upon goal/game plan.  If it was just the QB or running back out there against another team, he wouldn’t have a chance.

There was such camaraderie on the field last Friday night.  Y’all were supporting and encouraging one another. 

I’m always watching the “after the play” attitude of players and on the sideline as well, to see the character of players for I know from years of experience and loving Jesus that has a lot to do with success.

This week’s reminder is that God has created and loves every young man on the field, both teams. He has plans and purposes for them and those may include you being called to come along side them or they you in some fashion in the future.  Those individuals will remember how you treated them on and off the field.

I know people consider me a nut, but I truly try to seek the Lord and be obedient to even the crazy things he calls me to.  When your dad and aunt and uncles played competitive tennis and travel year round to tournaments I encourage them to make friends (sometimes giving pizza pool parties at the tournaments and making them get the phone numbers of their opponents), because I knew there was a chance they would cross paths with these people again.  Maybe college, other tournaments, etc.  One such player has even become a surgeon in Roanoke whom I may need one day and I’m so glad we were nice to him.

You play to win for sure, but you play with great respect for all the athletes. And the ones who are obnoxious, you pray for their hearts to change and whatever the void is in their lives that makes them act out in that way.

In all we do may we be pleasing to the Lord.  We are comrades of Jesus who fought the biggest fight for us. And there isn’t a fiber in my body that doesn’t believe Jesus is coming back some day.

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.  

1 Thessalonians 5:11

The Song

"You've Already Won" Shane and Shane

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