Consecrate Your Home


My husband's grandfather and his great uncle built these two homes on their family farm in 1924. They are no longer in existence. The white farmhouse in the background was the first home on the property & was where my husband lived when he was born.

Our hearts are breaking here in the south for so many who have lost so much due to Hurricane Helene. Sunday afternoon we huddled in our basement as a tornado warning blared on our phones. Well, truth be told my husband went out the door to look for a tornado, as our houseguests and I went to the basement.

These physical storms are full of destruction, but there are equally as damaging spiritual storms that can destroy our homes, our families and our relationships.  In the Moving Mountains book I have been referencing John Eldredge has written a "Prayer of Consecration for a Home."

Prayer of Consecration for a Home   By John Eldredge

“Father, thank you for the blessing and the provision of this home.  We bring it under our authority now, and under the authority of Jesus Christ.  We take full authority over this home, in the name of Jesus Christ.  The keys to this home have been given to us-authority has been given to us-and we take a total and complete authority over this entire home now, in Jesus’ name. 

We renounce all ungodliness and all sinful activity that has ever taken place in this home.  We renounce the sins of all previous owners, renters, guests, and even the builder. (For those are the things that give the enemy claim.)  We cancel every claim the enemy can make here, by the blood of Jesus Christ.  We cleanse this home with the blood of Christ-everything spiritual, everything physical.

We consecrate and we dedicate this home to the rule of Jesus Christ, and to the Holy Spirit.  We consecrate the appliances, the structure and infrastructure, the water and electricity; we consecrate the physical realm and the spiritual realm; we consecrate the land as well. 

(Walk through every room; do this very deliberately.) Come, Holy Spirit, come and fill every part of this home with the glory of  your kingdom, with love, with peace, with holy rest.  Jesus, we ask your angels to cleanse this home now, to establish your kingdom here, to build a shield of protection around it.  In the mighty name of Jesus Christ the Lord, we now proclaim this home and land and everything in it the property of the kingdom of God.” 

When we think scripturally about homes Matthew 7:24-27 comes to mind.

Anyone who hears and obeys these teachings of mine is like a wise person who built a house on solid rock. Rain poured down, rivers flooded, and winds beat against that house. But it was built on solid rock, and so it did not fall.

Anyone who hears my teachings and doesn't obey them is like a foolish person who built a house on sand. Rain poured down, rivers flooded, and the winds blew and beat against that house. Finally, it fell with a crash.

In addition to consecrating our homes, the ultimate need is to consecrate every aspect of our lives to Jesus and build them on the foundation of Christ.

The Song  (A repeat.)

"Firm Foundation"- Cody Carnes

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