What Do You See

My husband and I are behind a year or two on our annual eye appointments. Sitting in a football stadium one evening I told my husband, "I think the big lights are blurring my vision."  A couple nights later he walked into our living room and says, "I think I can see better without my glasses." The other possibility is that both pairs of glasses are in need of a good cleaning.

I grapple in the dark for my glasses on my bedside table each morning. With the same urgency, I should ask the Lord to adjust my spiritual focus and the focus of those I love for all we will face that day.  

O Lord, when our eyes open in the morning may our first thoughts be of you and the first thing we see be your creation and something from your Word, for that will influence the ways in which we walk.  Please open the eyes of our hearts and help us to want to see all of life's decisions, trials and celebrations from your perspective and react with a confidence that You will guide us through. In Jesus' Name, Amen

Remember what God sees. 1 Samuel 16:7

"...For the Lord sees not as man .sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart."

We have three friends battling major eye issues/disease and we are praying for them without ceasing. One awakened blind one morning and his sight has never been restored. 

As we look outside here in SW Virginia we thank God for the changing seasons and their reminder that God is always at work in nature, as well as in our hearts.  We ask You today Lord to increase our spiritual sight and see not only where you are at work, but where you want us to join you in such work.  In Jesus's name we say, "Hallelujah and Amen."

The Song

"All the Way My Savior Leads Me" Rich Mullins


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