2 Corinthians

May 27th
A stack of four novels await my indulgence this summer, but none of them will compare with the thrill of reading God's word. Paul authored so many books and was passionate about his faith and first hand experiences. Why do we shy away from sharing the things we experience with the Lord? Someone gives us a bouquet and we display it proudly or when given a gift of clothing or jewelry we prance into public affirmed by our new adornment. Now there were times where Jesus performed a miracle and ask the recipient not to tell anyone, but some of the most encompassing conversions came from the testimony of what Jesus had just done in an individual's life.

Life is purposely cyclical. There are seasons..praise God! After the winter we had this year, we were all ready for spring! 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 contains a verse that makes so much sense to me. Paul writes from the personal experience of one who has suffered much.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.
For some reason, when there is purpose in the pain it is more tolerable.

Let's Pray:
Lord when it comes to compassion, there is none like You! Right now we can think of a handful of people to lift up to You who need Your tender touch.......Forgive us for sometimes focusing on self and not taking time to just sit with another and give ourselves up as a love offering sent by You. Who can we go to today and say I sympathize with your pain? Lord, a bird sitting on a post is pretty to look upon, but when it takes flight and glides through the sky on currents of air it is truly amazing. May our faith take flight today and not be known just as a faith that sits in a pew on Sunday mornings. In Jesus' name, Amen

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