What Do You Love About Jesus?

August 14
One baby down and the other needed rocking, I did not want his cries to awaken his older brother, so I headed out to our screened porch.  "Lord, I had really hoped they would nap at the same time so I could do my Bible study," I confessed.  "My child, there are times it is simply nice to have you sit and be still and tell me I love you," I sensed the Lord reply.
"Oh, I do love you," I was quick to express.
Then I thought, if someone asked me, "What do you love about Jesus?" how would I reply.

It was such a delightful exercise.
He is always available.
He longs to be with me and is even preparing a place in heaven for me.
He knows everything about me and loves me still.
He is quick to forgive.

Then the lesson came.  "Remember, you are called to be like me.  Would your friends say these same things about you?"

Are you available?  Do you offer hospitality?
Do you long to be with them and enjoy preparing a place for them at your table or in your home?
Do you love your friends, warts and all, forgiving quickly, or do you walk away when they disappoint?

In simple moments, on a screened porch, God spoke and showed me the places in my heart transformation needed to take place.  What will I do with the lesson, is the big question?  When we are given a tool, it is of no use sitting on the shelf.

Thinking about the Bible Study I am currently doing,  three names of God I have studied thus far remind me there is power in the name of the Lord!
El Roi- The God Who Sees.
El Elyon-The God Most High
El Shaddai-The God Almighty

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