Why Not Just Ask

August 3
Stopping by to drop off a cupcake to a friend's son celebrating his birthday, we got into a conversation about all the young men that age getting married this summer.  My friend exclaimed that one of these fellows was marrying a D.O.  There had to have been a blank stare on my face as my brain rambled through it's files trying to figure out what a D.O. was.  I think the immediate response that came out of my mouth was "oh, that's wonderful".
Climbing back into the car, I asked my husband and our son who had heard the conversation..."Ok, what is a D.O.?  I chuckled at their definitions.
The educator thought similarly to me...."Direct Object?"  "Drop Out?"
The best deduction came from our son.  "I believe that would be Do Over".  Although I just didn't see my girlfriend being quite that "hip" with her acronyms.

So, as we often say at our house..."Go to your little black box."  (For those who have Smartphones.)
If you have a D.O. degree you have your Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine!

The question is: "Why didn't I just ask?"

So many people have questions about their faith, but they just won't ask. If someone asks you what you believe today are you prepared to give an answer?

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for your hope that you have.  1 Peter 3:15

Jesus loves me this I know...for the Bible told me so!

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