To Be...Broken

July 13
Broke my ankle yesterday. Headed to the orthopedic now.
This is what I sent my summer Bible study ladies.
Jesus and I love to hang out on the screened porch here at Shiloh.  Yesterday,  I escaped out there and dove into a wonderful seasonal study by Ruth Chou Simmons.  I want to share the final lesson I did (see below) before getting up and putting on my bathing suit to go for a swim at the Waterfront Country Club.  My left side has remained weak from the stroke almost three years ago. I am usually very cautious on steps for fear of that leg giving way.  Yesterday, I was not cautious enough.  My arms were full and I did not hold the rail going out the front door. Usually, I take baby steps going down, but this particular time I was taking the steps one at a time.  My left ankle just seemed to roll over and down I went.  It began to swell immediately. I had a cold bottle of tea in my hand and put that on the ankle/foot right away.  I had also fallen on my arm and checked to be sure there was no bleeding, since I am on Plavix.

I knew Deke, being at work,  could not get to me quickly, so I texted a few neighbors.  God’s, Grace Woody, came right away!  Bless her heart in a big way!

I could put no weight on the foot, the pain was excruciating and still is.  So, I scooted up the steps on my bottom, pulled myself up into a chair inside the front door and instructed Grace where to find ice and some clothes for me.  As I changed at the front door, I prayed the UPS man would not show up and be scarred for life!  Off we went to Urgent Care.  I told Grace to go on home, that Deke would get my text or my nephew who was at a nearby office would come help.  I figured I’d be there awhile.  

There was only one person before me and the nurses and doctors were so attentive. Within 30 minutes I’d been seen, x-rayed and wrapped in an ace bandage and released saying I had a bad sprain.  Still no word from Deke or my nephew, so Grace came back and got me.  By the time I had scooted on my bottom once again, the phone was ringing and the nurse said I needed to come back. A radiologist had read the x-rays and there was a break.  Poor Deke walked in about that time clueless that anything had happened. My text had never reached him.  I figure that’s because God knew I had Grace!

So, I’m in a temporary plaster splint, awaiting an appointment with an orthopedic and am supposed to stay off the foot and keep it elevated.  I hate to take any medication, but am popping Tylenol an IB Profin every six hours as instructed! It hurts!  We have so many friends who have walked this walk this past year.  On the way home from the casting we picked up a wheel chair, shower chair, and knee scooter.

I was getting a little teary realizing my limitations the next few weeks, particularly no swimming with the grands, and asked Deke before he got me in the house, if he’d drive the car down to the pontoon dock and take me out.  It’s one of my happy places.  We were using my walker with the seat from the stroke.  It wasn’t easy, but was worth it.  Hopefully we can do this each evening when he gets in from work. We need a better plan getting back up the stairs to the car though.  He went in front of me, holding the walker. I lost my balance, fell back on the ankle and was inches from falling into a very shallow part of the lake. Scared us both big time.  I literally crawled on my hands and knees to the car.

If you know of anyone who has a golf cart they are not using or would rent one to us for a month, that would really help me get around the property and still enjoy Shiloh and being with friends and family who are coming.

The other desire is to get into the orthopedic God wants me to see in His perfect timing.  Then third desire is for this pain to subside and me to be content.

Love you all.  Now here’s the perfect devotional. God has gone before me and prepared me for this time.

REJOICE by Ruth Chou Simmons
“We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope.”   Romans 5:3-4

“I have a theory that the most joyful people in the world fight to rejoice.  You’ve known them too.  I’m sure: the family that’s suffered the loss of a child, a believer experiencing persecution, a child defying the label of disability, modern heroes of our faith like Joni Eareckson Tada or Elisabeth Elliot.  They rejoice in the face of insurmountable difficulties.  We know it isn’t as effortless as it can appear; it isn’t without cost.  Rejoicing is to the fighter as seedlings to an ashen mountainside. It is a choice to thrive. And, I’m learning, it’s also a purposeful prerequisite….(She writes about forest fires and particular pines that thrive and seeds released from the heat.)  God allows the pressure and discomfort of our trials to serve as the catalyst for new growth…

When we rejoice in our sufferings, we have hope in spite of pain.  And if we consider Romans 5, we will have hope in time  as a result of working through pain.  Rejoicing is the seed-release party we offer back to the Lord as a faith-filled response to our sufferings.  If that feels impossible, I understand. It doesn’t come naturally to me in the least.  I love this definition:

'Christian joy is the emotion springing from the deep-down confidence of the Christian that God is in complete and perfect control-of everything, and will bring from it our good in time, and our glory in eternity.  That’s Christian joy. Christian joy is not an emotion on top of an emotion.  It is to a feeling on top of a feeling.  It is a feeling on top of a fact.  It is an emotional response to what I know to be true about my God.’  John MacArthur

Suffering won’t discourage us from rejoicing if it give us context for it.  And like the forest that’s eager to begin again, the seeds of rejoicing mature into a canopy of hope, which in time fills in all that feels barren in our lives. Our Savior is making all things new. You are a fighter, my friend-your joy is worth fighting for.”

My (Boo’s) life verse:
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstance; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. Instead, be very glad—for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world.” 1 Peter 4:12-13

Love you all.  May God’s love and provision shine through all your sufferings.

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