To Be...Hospitable Part 2

From She Reads Truth

July 28-29
Summer is winding down. Teachers are heading back to school to ready their rooms for fall.
We've had another exciting year here at Shiloh of offering hospitality in various forms.  During our women's study on this topic I came across this acrostic and wanted to share these characteristics of hospitable people.

A Person Of Christian Character Who Practices Biblical Hospitality Is . . .

Humility is the opposite of self-sufficiency and is a necessary prerequisite if I am going to be of service to my heavenly Father. I can exercise humility by choosing to step out of my "comfort zone" and invite individuals into my home with whom I may not be totally at ease or those who may have unrealistic expectations about the event (1 Pet 5:5b).

The primary evidence that individuals are Christians is their choice to obey all of their Father's commands. I demonstrate obedience by obeying all of my Father's commands that focus on hospitality (1 Sam 15:22b). 

"Genuine," as well as an "absence of deceit or hypocrisy," describes sincere actions. I will "stay on my knees" (pray) until I can extend sincere invitations (2 Cor 1:12).

Prayer—that is, communicating with my heavenly Father, shows my desire for his direction about and dependence on him for the event. I resolve to pray about all aspects of the events that I plan (1 Thess 5:17).

I—Interested in Integrity
Integrity is choosing to do what is right when given a choice between right and wrong, even when it is unpopular. I will choose to adhere to my heavenly Father's standards, regardless of what the mainstream of society is doing (Ps 25:21).

A trustworthy home provides an ambience of trust and confidence. I will study Elizabeth's life (Luke 1:39-56) as a model for my life (Prov 31:11).

A—Adopted into God's Family
Adoption is making a conscious choice legally to integrate an individual into another's home and nurturing him/her as if he/she were their biological child. I will choose, through the strength of the Holy Spirit, to behave in a way that reflects my royal heritage, so that my guests will observe a bit of "heaven on earth" in my home (Rom 8:15).

L—Led by the Spirit
Being led by the Spirit literally means keeping in step with the Holy Spirit.  I will purpose to allow the Spirit to lead me so I will not carry out the desire of my flesh (Rom 8:14; Gal 5:16).

I—Instrumental in Producing Righteousness
Instrumental in producing righteousness suggests bringing "every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" (2 Cor 10:5) and refusing to fret or worry about anything (Phil 4:6-8). I must control what I think about and purpose to be spiritually renewed by humbly presenting my concerns to my loving heavenly Father—even when the hospitality event appears to be beyond my capabilities (Rom 6:13). 
Being thankful is an act of the will that generates the giving of thanks to God—regardless of the circumstances. I choose to learn to be content regardless of my circumstances (Phil 2:11b; Col 3:15).
Possessing a willingness to yield to my heavenly Father's specific instructions to his children in relation to practicing hospitality. I demonstrate my love to him by choosing to embrace his instructions with my whole heart—and that is when my joy is complete (Rom 6:19; 1 John 1:4; 2 John 12).   (From

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