To Be...Costly

July 9
The other evening I went out to get on the pontoon and I was greeter by a six year old who said, "Welcome aboard ma'am!  It will cost you a kiss to get on the boat."  Just thrill my heart!

For his whole life he's heard me ask him to pay up for special requests with kisses, now he was following suit.

After a toy broke here this summer a seven year old grand said, "Just go on Amazon and order another one."  I realized these children have very little concept of cost.  (I have added to that issue by buying, buying, buying for them.)

How often do we consider the cost that was paid for our sin?
Is it valuable to us or do we expect it from God as if he's a gracious grandfather, who certainly wants to give good gifts to his children?

Jesus paid it all for us. Our sins cost Him his life.

I love the song:
Lord you are more precious than silver, 
Lord you are more costly than gold,
Lord you are more beautiful than diamonds and nothing I desire compares with You.

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