To Be....Washed and Clean

July 17

Again and again I keep going back to Isaiah 1:17 and this call to action, which came to me in a study last week.
"Learn to do what is good.
  Seek justice.
  Correct the oppressor.
  Defend the rights of the fatherless.
  Plead the widow's cause."

This first chapter of Isaiah references the disobedience, the turning away from God by his people, and a God directed cry from Isaiah in verse 16  to..."Wash yourselves and be clean!  Get your sins out of my sight. Give you your evil ways."

Next in v. 17 comes the call to put faith into action! Learn, seek, correct, defend, and plead for others.

Then in verse 18, God's gracious offer, which still rings out to us this day.
"Come now, let's settle this," says the Lord.  "Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow." 

Our faith walk isn't instantaneous obedience. There's a lot of wavering and wobbling that goes on in our life time.  But the offer to forgive us our sins, to be washed and clean is settled and sealed.
Now that's a reason for a hallelujah dance.

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